Welcome Prof. Zhenbing Zhao, North China Electric Power University, to be the Conference Co-Chair at CIPR 2024!
Welcome Prof. Zhenbing Zhao, North China Electric Power University, to be the Conference Co-Chair at CIPR 2024!



Prof. Zhenbing Zhao, North China Electric Power University, China


Professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, and deputy director of the Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Computing of Complex Energy Systems of the Ministry of Education. CCF Distinguished Member; Member of the Editorial Board of IEEE TIM; He is a member of the CES Artificial Intelligence and Electrical Application Committee, a member of the Energy Intelligence Committee, the chairman of CCF YOCSEF Baoding 2021-2022, a member of the Computer Vision Committee, a member of the Standards Working Committee, a member of the CSIG Visual Big Data Committee, a member of the Imaging Detection and Perception Committee, and a member of the Traffic Video Committee.He has been engaged in the research of electric power artificial intelligence technology for a long time. At present, he has won 2 first prizes of provincial scientific and technological progress; He has published 2 monographs as the first author, and published more than 50 SCI or EI papers in authoritative journals or conferences at home and abroad, such as IEEE TDEI AND TIM. Undertake more than 20 projects (topics); As the first completer, 16 national patents have been authorized.

华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院教授、博士生导师,复杂能源系统智能计算教育部工程研究中心副主任。CCF杰出会员;IEEE TIM编委;CES人工智能与电气应用专委会委员、能源智慧化专委会委员,CCF YOCSEF保定2021-2022主席、计算机视觉专委会委员、标准工委委员,CSIG视觉大数据专委会委员、成像探测与感知专委会委员、交通视频专委会委员。长期从事电力人工智能技术研究。目前获省级科技进步一等奖2项;以第1作者出版专著2部,在IEEE TDEI、TIM等国内外权威期刊或会议上发表SCI或EI收录等论文50余篇;承担项目(课题)20余项;以第1完成人获得国家专利授权16项。