Welcome Prof. Mingbo Qing, Sichuan University, to be the Technical Program Committee Chair at CIPR 2024!
Welcome Prof. Mingbo Qing, Sichuan University, to be the Technical Program Committee Chair at CIPR 2024!



Prof. Mingbo Qing, Sichuan University, China


In 2003, he graduated from the School of Electronic Information of Sichuan University with a bachelor's degree in electronic information science and technology. In 2008, he obtained a doctorate degree in communication and information systems from the School of Electronics and Information, Sichuan University. From February 2011 to August 2011, he was engaged in joint research for half a year at the Mobile Communication Laboratory of the University of Agder, Norway. From September 2011 to February 2012, he worked on joint research at the Internet Media Lab at Politecnico Di Torino, Italy, for half a year. From December 2012 to December 2013, he went to the Multimedia Mobile Communication Laboratory of the School of Computer Science of the University of Missouri-Columbia in the United States for one year for joint research. He is mainly engaged in theoretical and applied research in artificial intelligence and computer vision, image/video processing, image/video communication, urban informatics, medical informatics, embedded systems and mechatronics. As the project leader or main researcher, he has been responsible for or participated in more than 10 national projects such as the National Key R&D Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 10 provincial and ministerial projects, 1 EU cooperation project, and more than 30 horizontal cooperation projects. As the first author or corresponding author, he has published more than 80 papers in academic journals and international conferences at home and abroad, including more than 30 SCI papers, participated in the compilation of three textbooks, and authorized nearly 30 invention patents.At present, he is the vice chairman of the Low Carbon Smart City Special Committee of the China Society of Technology and Economics, a member of the Young Talent Committee of the Sichuan Institute of Electronics, an expert in the field of industrial Internet storage of the Sichuan Provincial Communications Administration, an expert in the field of Chengdu Agriculture and Rural Bureau, an expert of the Chengdu Tianfu Haizhi Program, a member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, a member of the IEEE, a member of the Vision Science Society of America, and a member of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA).

2003年毕业于四川大学电子信息学院,获电子信息科学与技术专业学士学位。于2008年在四川大学电子信息学院获通信与信息系统专业工学博士学位。2011年2月至2011年8月在挪威University of Agder移动通信实验室从事为期半年的联合研究。2011年9月至2012年2月在意大利Politecnico Di Torino因特网媒体实验室从事为期半年的联合研究。2012年12月至2013年12月赴美国University of Missouri-Columbia计算机学院多媒体移动通信实验室从事为期一年的联合研究。主要从事人工智能与计算机视觉、图像/视频处理、图像/视频通信、城市信息学、医学信息学、嵌入式系统及机电一体化等方面的理论及应用研究。作为项目负责人或主研人员负责或参与了国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等各类国家级项目10余项,省部级项目10项,欧盟合作项目1项,横向合作项目30余项作为第一作者或通讯作者在国内外学术刊物、国际会议上正式发表论文80余篇,其中SCI 论文30余篇,参编教材三部,授权发明专利近30项。目前为中国技术经济学会低碳智慧城市专委会副主任委员,四川省电子学会青年人才委员会委员,四川省通信管理局工业互联网领域入库专家、成都市农业农村局领域专家、成都天府海智计划专家,中国电子学会会员、IEEE会员、美国视觉科学学会(Vision Science Society)会员、亚太信号与信息处理协会(APSIPA)会员。