Welcome Prof. Xiaohai He, Sichuan University, to be the Publication Chair at CIPR 2024!
Welcome Prof. Xiaohai He, Sichuan University, to be the Publication Chair at CIPR 2024!



Prof. Xiaohai He, Sichuan University, China


He has been teaching and researching at Sichuan University since 1991, and was promoted to professor in 2000. He began to recruit doctoral students in 2004, and is a Senior Visiting Scholar at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. In 2004, he started to recruit doctoral students and was a senior visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins University. He has served as the director of the Electronics II Teaching and Research Department, the head of the Radio Department of Sichuan University, etc. He was the vice dean of the School of Electronics and Information Technology from 2005 to 2017. Currently, he is the head of the Institute of Image Information, the deputy director of the professor committee of the institute. He has long been engaged in theoretical research and application development in the fields of communication and information systems, machine vision and intelligent systems, image processing and recognition, image communication, and artificial intelligence. He is a member of the Visual Inspection Committee of the Chinese Society of Image and Graphics, a member of the Applied Graphics Committee of the Chinese Graphics Society, an executive director of the Sichuan Electronics Society, a vice-chairman of the Computer Engineering and Application Committee of the Sichuan Electronics Society, and a vice-chairman of the Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Committee of the Sichuan Electronics Society, among other academic appointments. He is a member of IEEE, a senior member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, and a member of the editorial board of Data Acquisition and Processing, Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information, and other academic journals. He has presided over more than 60 research projects, including the major international cooperation projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 863 major projects, EU international cooperation projects, Sino-British cooperation projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), key projects of the Ministry of Education of China (MOE), and cooperative research and development projects of enterprises and institutions, among which he has presided over 9 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has advantages and characteristics in target detection and tracking, visual detection, image super-resolution reconstruction, video compression coding and transmission, biomedical image processing, petroleum and geological image analysis, etc. 10 achievements have passed the appraisal, and he has been awarded with 6 scientific and technological progress prizes at provincial and ministerial levels. He has published more than 200 papers (including more than 80 papers in SCI and EI, including the international and domestic authoritative academic journals such as IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video, IEEE Transactions on Technology, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, and IEEE Transactions on Video. Technology, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Image and Vision Computing, Physical Review E, Journal of Microscopy, Journal of Electronics and Information, Journal of Automation, Journal of Optics and so on. He has edited 4 national planning textbooks and academic books, and declared more than 80 invention patents, of which more than 40 have been authorized.

1991年开始在四川大学从事教学和科研工作至今,2000年晋升为教授,2004年开始招收博士研究生,为美国约翰.霍普金斯大学高级访问学者。历任电子二教研室主任、四川大学无线电系系主任等,2005年-2017年任电子信息学院副院长。目前为图像信息研究所负责人,院教授委员会副主任。长期从事通信与信息系统、机器视觉与智能系统、图像处理与识别、图像通信、人工智能等领域的理论研究和应用开发工作。任中国图像图形学会视觉检测专委会委员、中国图学学会应用图学专委会委员、四川省电子学会常务理事、四川省电子学会计算机工程与应用专委会副主任委员、四川省电子学会电子测量与仪器专委会副主任委员等学术兼职。为IEEE 会员、中国电子学会高级会员,《数据采集与处理》、《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》等学术期刊编委。主持、主研项目60余项,包括国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目、863重大项目、欧盟国际合作项目、中英合作项目、国家自然科学基金、教育部重点项目、企事业合作研发项目等,其中主持国家自然科学基金项目9项。在目标检测与跟踪、视觉检测、图像超分辨率重建、视频压缩编码及传输、生物医学图像处理、石油地质图像分析等方面的研究工作具有优势和特色。10项成果通过鉴定,获省部级科技进步奖6项。 发表论文200多篇(其中SCI、EI收录80多篇,包括国际国内权威学术期刊如IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology、IEEE Transactions on Multimedia、Image and Vision Computing、Physical Review E、Journal of Microscopy、电子与信息学报、自动化学报、光学学报等),主编国家规划教材及学术论著4本,申报发明专利80多项,已授权40多项。