Welcome Prof. Haiquan Zhao, Southwest Jiaotong University, to be the Technical Program Committee Chair at CIPR 2024!
Welcome Prof. Haiquan Zhao, Southwest Jiaotong University, to be the Technical Program Committee Chair at CIPR 2024!



Prof. Haiquan Zhao, Southwest Jiaotong University


Zhao Haiquan, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor,IEEE Senior Member and CIE Senior Member, Elsevier Highly Cited Researcher, Top 2% of the World's Top Scientists (for many years), Academic and Technical Leader of Sichuan Province, Outstanding Expert with Outstanding Contributions in Sichuan Province, Winner of Sichuan Outstanding Youth Fund and Core Member of Sichuan Youth Science and Technology Innovation Team, won 5 provincial and ministerial awards such as the first prize of CAA Natural Science of the Chinese Society of Automation, the second prize of the Ministry of Education's Science and Technology Progress Award, Tang Lixin Outstanding Scholar Award, Executive Director of the Provincial Federation of Science and Technology, Member of the Sichuan Youth Federation, and Executive Director of the Chengdu Municipal Knowledge Federation. He serves on the editorial board of international journals such as Signal Processing.In recent years, he has presided over 5 general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 Sichuan Youth Science and Technology Fund, 1 Provincial Applied Basic Key Project, 1 Provincial Academic Leader Fund, and 1 Basic Scientific Research and Technology Innovation Project of the Central Universities. He has researched more than 10 national, provincial and ministerial projects. As the first author or corresponding author has been published in IEEE TSMCA, IEEE TSP, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TIE, IEEE TCOM, IEEE/ACM TASLP, IEEE Trans. He has published more than 180 papers (140+ SCI indexed journal papers) in domestic and foreign academic journals and academic conferences such as Cybernetics, IEEE TSMC-Part B, Signal Processing, Automatica, Journal of the Franklin Institute, MSSP, Science China, Acta Physica Sinica, ICASSP, etc., and 6 papers (1%) ESI are highly cited. 1 hot paper, 70 patents applied for and authorized, of which 49 were authorized (including 7 transfers). He has won 11 academic awards, including the "Excellent Student Paper Award" (a regular paper published in IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics-Part B).Professor Zhao's research interests include pattern recognition and artificial intelligence (equipment fault diagnosis, deep learning); distributed adaptive filtering network; Nonlinear adaptive filtering: adaptive Volterra filter, kernel adaptive filter, neural network adaptive filter, etc.; Adaptive Signal Processing Theory; DC-DC modeling and system identification; active noise control; Power Quality Control - Adaptive Harmonic Suppression and Active Power Filter (APF); DSTATCOM adaptive control; identification of low-frequency oscillation mode; Intelligent signal processing and its application in power systems.

赵海全,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,IEEE和中国电子学会高级会员,爱思唯尔高被引学者、全球前2%顶尖科学家(连续多年)、四川省学术和技术带头人,四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家,四川省杰出青年基金获得者以及四川省青年科技创新团队核心成员,获中国自动化学会CAA自然科学一等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖等省部级奖励5项,唐立新优秀学者奖、省科青联常务理事、川青联委员、成都市知联会常务理事。担任Signal Processing等国际期刊的编委。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项,主持四川省青年科技基金、省应用基础重点项目以及省学术带头人基金、中央高校基本科研科技创新项目各1项;主研国家级或省部级项目10余项。以第一作者或通讯作者已在IEEE TSMCA、IEEE TSP、IEEE TNNLS、IEEE TIE、IEEE TCOM、IEEE/ACM TASLP、 IEEE Trans. Cybernetics、IEEE TSMC-Part B、Signal Processing、Automatica、Journal of the Franklin Institute、MSSP、《中国科学》、《物理学报》、ICASSP等国内外学术期刊与学术会议发表论文180多篇(140+篇SCI收录期刊论文),6篇(1%)ESI高被引,1篇热点论文,申请及授权专利70项,其中授权49项(其中转让7项)。获“Excellent Student Paper Award”奖(发表在IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics-Part B上的Regular论文)等学术奖励11项。指导留学生甘布荣获2017年第二届动力与可再生能源国际会议最佳报告奖,2019年获2019IFAC最佳论文奖,指导硕士及博士生18人次获得国家奖学金,2名博士生获得轨道交通行业拔尖创新人才项目,2名博士生获得博士生创新基金项目,5名博士研究生获公派联合培养资助,分别赴McGill University 和 University of York等。赵教授的研究方向包括模式识别与人工智能(设备故障诊断、深度学习);分布式自适应滤波网络;非线性自适应滤波:自适应Volterra滤波器、核自适应滤波器、神经网络自适应滤波器等;自适应信号处理理论;Dc-DC建模及系统辨识;主动噪声控制;电能质量控制-自适应谐波抑制及有源电力滤波器(APF);DSTATCOM自适应控制;低频振荡模式辨识;智能信号处理及在电力系统中的应用。